Context, recognising axioms
Veer Hitesh Patel, 21 Jan. 2025
Recognising the assumptions an interaction/conversation is operating on can be useful. For example, a certain power dynamic, or someone disrespecting someone else on an assumption which is hidden a few layers deep but is not always immediate. Challenging these things which were subconsciously taken as truths in an interaction might help you progress further. "Axioms of conversation". Notice how a person can say multiple things which stem from a single feeling/statement which they have taken to be true and another person can struggle to comprehend where all these words are coming from if they don't have access to the axiom.
I think this just a step in the process of improving your contextual understanding of a scenario, which can be helpful in any situation in all areas of life.
Context in general is very important. Not every spoken word has the same meaning because they are said by different people.
I need to look more into reasoning processes, axiomatic systems, deductive logic etc. How one forms their worldview, and the important of context in doing so.