Hello, I’m Veer Patel. You’ve arrived at my personal web-site, whose primary purpose is to host my writing and information which I find useful.
A raw site-map can be found here. A list of pending changes to make to this site can be found here.
If you’d like to join my mailing-list to receive updates about this web-site, write to me telling me as such. Over e-mail I also welcome questions and comments about this web-site for the purpose of civil disagreement or (esp.) pointing out spelling or grammatical errors.
Note as of October. 2024: Having been distracted by other pursuits for the past year, I’ve unfortuantely paid little attention to this web-site. I plan to update this page at least once a fortnight. Note on the website:
The main user of this website is intended to be me. I do not claim to be correct as to anything I state nor do I claim to even understand what I'm saying. I'm writing down things to keep a centralized record of information for myself and it may come handy to you. Please feel free to write to me about anything. I am here to gain understanding of the world I'm living in. A list of topics I wish to write about can be found here:
Dec. 2024
2024-01-21: Diet
2024-01-21: On learning by example
2024-01-21: Context, recognising axioms
2024-01-21: Assuming the worst case
2024-01-21: On archetypes
2024-01-21: Considering alternative viewpoints
2024-01-20: Pen-to-paper connection
2024-01-20: Events as transactions of energy
2024-01-20: On gravitations
2024-01-20: Men diverging from the real issue
2024-01-20: Belief systems
2024-01-20: Proof based math as computation
2024-01-20: Math prompting thought
2024-11-19: On math education, math as high risk
2024-11-19: Diet (include observations of people who constantly eating something icl carbs)
2024-11-19: Barriers To Knowledge
2024-11-19: Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI
2024-11-19: Philosophers and their generalist knowledge
2024-11-19: Observations: The GTA
2024-11-19: On learning statistics
2024-11-19: On the economy, jobs
2024-11-19: Fragility of life, life as the hardest optimisation problem
2024-11-19: Italy, Switzerland
2024-11-19: The Creator, Attention Economy
2024-11-19: Google Maps
2024-11-19: Structures useful in day-to-day life
2024-11-19: Personal web, algorithms
2024-11-19: Problem with "mathematicians"
2024-11-19: On globalisation
2024-11-19: Lookism
2024-11-19: On roads
2024-11-19: Light pollution, northern Italy
2024-11-19: On committing to things
2024-11-19: Carl Jung saved me
2024-11-19: On productizing oneself
2024-11-19: Access to internet is commercialised
2024-11-19: Big Pharma
2024-11-19: Archiving information
2024-11-19: When I realised what masculinity was
2024-11-19: Candy shops, Oxford Street
2024-11-19: Static Site Generators, CMS' can be useful
2024-11-19: Progression of this site
2024-11-19: High ROI skills
2024-11-19: codemonkey -> innovator. The hiring booms
2024-11-19: Hobbies of the long gone
2024-11-19: "Language we think in influences how we think"
2024-11-19: Useful software
2024-11-19: Dead Internet Theory
2024-11-19: Acting on impulse
2024-11-19: On high IQ people
2024-11-19: Absolute state of academia
2024-11-19: Pre-colonial South Asian Diet
2024-11-19: 2024, Silicon Valley, "Startups"
2024-11-19: Ground-up vs top-down learning, using math to formulate CS
2024-11-19: "Practice makes perfect"
2024-11-19: "Value behind technology companies"
2024-11-19: "On the importance of archetypes, quick thinking"
2024-11-19: "No-prompt creation"
2024-11-19: Architecture based on surrounding as an applications of preservation of culture
2024-11-19: Leaning towards gravitations, intuitions
2024-11-19: Vedas, AIT, creator of biryani
2024-11-19: Observations in the gym
2024-11-19: High thinkers, ideologies
2024-11-19: India's problems, solutions
2024-11-19: Rationality
2024-11-19: Gujarati phrases, 2024
2024-11-19: Hindus and contradiction
2024-11-19: Contradiction can be noticed
2024-11-19: Strange feeling on the economy and lack of progress
2024-11-19: On economics
2024-11-19: I don't deserve her, she doesn't deserve me, until I am the best that I can be
2024-11-19: Cold climates
2024-11-19: Modern day research, incl mathematics meme
2024-11-19: Symbolisms of male body parts
2024-11-19: Low BPM, cortisol
2024-11-19: Foundational issues
2024-11-19: Current issues across space time study
2024-11-19: This universe gone to collapse
2024-11-19: Machine learning regression predictions for